
Russian government moves to curb selfie-related deaths and injuries

You know you country has a problem when the government has to step in to stop people from selfie-related deaths and injuries. While that statement might sound ludicrous, that’s exactly what the Russian government has had to do to stop people taking unnecessary risks when taking selfies. There have been guidelines implemented, accompanied by a pamphlet, which explains the various situations that taking a selfie in might warrant a second thought – represented in road sign style, the pamphlet advises against taking selfies while jumping in front of a train, or falling down a hill, or while holding a weapon.

selfie-related deaths and injuriesAgain, while it does all sound very ridiculous, the last one did actually happen – a Russian woman was believed to have taken a selfie of herself while holding a gun, only for it to go off. Miraculously, she survived, but if this is part and parcel for the average Russian selfie, then something needs to change. In another horrific story, a pair of Russians pulled the pin of a grenade prior to taking the selfie – unfortunately the photo is the only proof that this ever transpired. Things like that seem pretty self explanatory (though these kind of high-risk activities aren’t isolated to just Russians) but we would do well to all remember that it’s not always worth the selfie.

What do you think about the Russian government trying to curb selfie-related deaths and injuries? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: The Guardian, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation via engadget