
S.M.T.H. Hits the Google Play Store


I’ve seen some pretty bizarre games in my day, but this one takes the crown. SMTH, or Send Me To Heaven, is a game by the developer Carrot Pop who’s whole objective is to get you to throw your phone into the air as high as you can. It was actually rejected from the Apple App Store for ‘encouraging behavior that could result in damage to the user’s device’. In true Android fashion though, our Play Store welcomed it with open arms, and it is now available to the public.

There isn’t much to actually “playing” it. You take your phone, get a good grip on it, and toss it into the air. The higher you get, the better score you get. Once you catch it, you can then submit your results to the leaderboards. In order to compete on local competitions, your GPS must be enabled.

So, if you have a spare phone, give it a try. I am going to go ahead and advise a bike helmet with good padding for those of you that have below par hand-eye coordination. Also, get you a baseball glove while you’re at it, catcher’s mitt if possible. For those of you like me, you are probably going to beam your phone into outer space, rather than ‘toss’ it as the directions indicate, in order to make your way to those leaderboards, so the impact when it comes back down for you to catch it (if you decide to, that is) will be pretty heavy. You have to love the competitive nature of human beings, it’s quite humorous the things we will do to get fifteen seconds of fame.

This app isn’t incompatible with tablets, either. If you want to be a true boss, play catch with your new Nexus 7 and tell us how that went for you. As a matter of fact, capture it on video, put it on Youtube and email me, I will write a story up myself to boast about your epic move.

Are you going to play this game? Have you already? How many devices have you broken? Let us know in the comments below.

Google Play Link:

Send Me To Heaven

Price: Free