
Who said the Galaxy S3 was dead? Here’s the Samsung Galaxy S3 Slim in all its low spec Glory

Samsung Galaxy S3 SlimWhile most of the world is now awaiting the retail release of the Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung continues to pad out the rest of its device line-up, this time with the Samsung Galaxy S3 Slim, a low specification model which presumably looks a lot like the original Galaxy S3 but has very little similar on the inside. As far as I can tell from the dimensions given on the product page, the S3 Slim is actually a little thicker than the original S3 at 9.7mm compared to 8.6mm; Samsung marketing strikes again it seems.

The S3 Slim is going to be packing a quad-core processor clocked at 1.2GHz with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and a 2,100mAh battery. It will also feature a 8MP rear camera and VGA front camera, as well as a 4.5-inch 960×450 resolution display. Unfortunately, the S3 Slim is going to be launched with Android 4.2 so there are not really any benefits to this device over the original S3, though the device appears to be targeted for a Brazilian audience so far; no word on whether other regions will see the device as well.

What do you think about device releases like the Samsung Galaxy S3 Slim? Let us know your opinion in the comments.

Source: Samsung via Phones Review