
“No, I Said…” lets you fix a wrong word in Google Search, beats cursing at It

Google SearchHow many times have you done a voice search with Google Search and the interpretations of what you said was WAY off? I would have to say more than a few times. It happens. We speak to fast, to slow, don’t enunciate, have background sounds and any other number of potential problems. Rather than cursing up a storm and calling Google a stupid….. I know you have done that a few times too, I know I have. Instead simply say “No, I said..” and say the word you meant and Google ‘should’ replace it with the correct word for you.

I will use 9to5Googles example, if you were searching for the nearest bars and Google for some reason picked up cars. Simply say, “Ok Google, No I said bars” and it will change the word. Pretty cool little command. Give it a shot the next time Google makes a mistake and see if it fixes it correctly. This small addition doesn’t need any updating from you and is available on iOS and Android right now.

Source: 9to5Google