
Samsung branded B&N Nooks get teased in video, reminds us of the Amazon Fire Phone teaser a little too much

The Barns & Noble Nook was a pretty cool little device when it first came out. The revamps they did over the years didn’t seem to make it a mega hit like they had hoped. B&N in general has been suffering for a number of years closing 63 physical stores in the past five years. While I love myself a good physical book in hand, the digital era is taking over. One doesn’t need to spend time, gas, or money hoping they have a book in stock that you want from your favorite author. It is certainly much easier to pull out your device, open an app, buy the book and start reading near instantly. In an effort to help re-kindle, no pun intended, their digital offerings, B&N has partnered with Samsung to bring a new Nook-ish device to consumers.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook

The device will be a co-branded Samsung galaxy Tab 4. It is sure to have the same, or darn near similar, specs tot he current Tab 4’s out there, but we assume that B&N will have had a hand in some sort of UI overlay design that will take front and center. Much like their Nook does now, and like Amazons Kindle has. The video below shows off some peoples reactions to the new device. Needless to say, there is a grumpy cat too. You might also notice the similarities in the reactions and the way they angle the device to another teaser video that was released for the Amazon Fire phone. I doubt Samsung got crazy and made a 3D display just for B&N, more so they are playing up the comedy aspect of it all. Take a watch.

The grumpy cat is the best. Now, a visual reminder, actually, the old video, from the Kindle Fire Phone teaser.

Anyone out there interested in what Samsung and B&N are cooking up together, or are they both kind of tossing up a hail mary to see if anyone catches the ball?

Source: Liliputing