
Samsung Captivate To Receive OTA Update This Week

The Samsung Captivate will be receiving an OTA update sometime this week and while it’s not Froyo it does offer a few fixes that most of you will benefit from. This update is not bringing that much needed GPS fix but will be fixing and enhancing the following:

09/21/2010 – Firmware Over the Air (FOTA) software update changing software version from I897UCJF6 to I897UCJH7.  A 12MB download is being pushed to Samsung Captivate owners starting on 09/21/2010 and will continue Tuesday through Friday at 15K customers per day until complete.  This is NOT an operating system update.  This update includes the following software updates:

  • Preinstalled software – QuickOffice for Android will allow users to edit various Microsoft Office documents.
  • Messaging – Exchange 2003 support, MMS and other messaging enhancements.
  • Voice – Improved calling experience.
  • Media – media scanning time improvements.

To give you guys an idea of just how many Samsung Captivates are out there, AT&T will be rolling out the update in batches of 15,000  through Friday. On a related note, Phil from Android Central provided the image below which we’re sure will upset most of you showing that if you manually check for an update by going to Menu>Settings>Software Update>Check for an Update you will find a nice little message.

What are your thoughts on AT&T’s friendly message?

Via: Android Central, Phil’s Twitter