
Samsung Droid Charge Recieves It’s First Update

After many rumored release dates and a delay from Verizon itself we finally saw the new 4G LTE Samsung Droid Charge roll out this last Saturday. Although the phone has only been out for a couple days an update is already being pushed.

This new update, or ED2, addresses no major issues nor does it provide any crucial fixes. It’s targeted at making your Media Hub 4G/WiFi dependent as opposed to using it over 3G. This new functionallity would limit your windows of usage however would provide higher quality and more stability while streaming.

This update will be rolling out via OTA and is a mere 5.2Mb. It should be noted that if you use the Media Hub on 3G and are happy with the service, that you should pass on this update as you will no longer be able to this application in that way upon updating. Let us know what you decide.


Source: Android Central via Verizon