
Samsung Epic 4G vs. T-Mobile G2 Processor Speed Test

Wirefly’s Cell Phone Professor is back with another video comparing Sprint’s Samsung Epic 4G and the T-Mobile G2 in terms of processing speed. To give you guys a recap of what’s under the hood of these two devices, the Samsung Epic 4G features the 1 GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor while the T-Mobile G2 features an 800MHz Qualcomm MSM7230. In the video below, Bob from Wirefly runs two different applications that can be found inside the Android Market.

  • Speed Pi
  • Quadrant Standard Edition

Check out the results in the video. Enjoy!

Want to run your own benchmarks? Check out Speed Pi and Quadrant Standard by scanning or clicking the images below.

Speed Pi

Quadrant Standard


Via: Wirefly’s YouTube channel