
Samsung Galaxy 5 (Corby) Coming to Virgin Mobile Canada

If you’re wondering what devices Virgin Mobile plans on launching during the holidays, you’ll want to check out their “Holiday Hardware” roadmap that shows every device they plan on launching.

As you can see above, many of the devices aren’t Android based but you can see the Samsung Galaxy 5 (Corby) which isn’t an Android device to write home about, but still helps build Virgin Mobile’s artillery.

Features of the Samsung Galaxy 5 (Corby) include:

  • Android 2.1
  • 2.8-inch QVGA touchscreen
  • TouchWiz
  • 600MHz processor
  • Two-megapixel camera with video recording
  • GPS
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth

Pricing and availability are not yet available for the Galaxy 5, but we do know it’s coming this holiday season. Hopefully soon we can get an inside tip of what devices are coming to Virgin Mobile US. Anyone going to check out the Galaxy 5?

Via: Mobile Syrup