
Samsung Galaxy Nexus ban well underway, pulled from the Play Store

We all heard the disheartening news that Apple won a case against Samsung and the Galaxy Nexus. The preliminary injunction was contingent on Apple posting a $96 million bond to the courts for damages if need be to pay Samsung for the loss in revenue. According to the Verge, Apple has ponied up the money. The never-ending story and battle between Samsung and Apple only gets hotter as the days pass. Since the injunction requirements have been met by Apple, Samsung is technically unable to sell any more Galaxy Nexus devices. We have heard that current stock in store locations are still available to purchase until said stock runs out, but no one can order more.

Now that trickle effect is well underway as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is no longer available to purchase via the Play Store. Instead of a purchase button you are greeted with a ‘coming soon’ message and a location to add your email address so that you can be notified.

Google and Samsung are said to have a work around patch in the works, or already completed, that will circumvent Apples infringement claim. The entire issues is around the Google Search box. One potential option is to release an OTA that takes the sear box functionality from a full device search to just web searches. While this isn’t a crippling lose for some, many people do use the search box to quickly find everything on their device from contacts, to emails, to apps. Most importantly though, the infringement claim isn’t directed at Android as a whole, just the Nexus. Google has reached out with a little information to The Verge, stating that when the device is available to ship again next week and it will come with Android 4.1 pre-loaded.

Google also mentions that Google Now, which is found only in Android 4.1, will be safe from the patent infringement claim. All we can really do is sit and wait now. If Google Now is safe from Apple claims, then Android 4.1 pre-loaded should bring the Nexus back online shortly. I know you are just as tired of all of this as we are. Google and Samsung won’t go down without a fight though, it’s just a matter of tweaking things to satisfy the courts and keep Apple at bay for a few months.

Source: The VergeÂ