IT’S BACK!!! Google said they would have it back in the Play Store this week. We all hoped that dream would come true. The Galaxy Nexus was pulled a little while back thanks to some awesome litigation skills from the Apple legal team. It forced Google hand and they had to make software changes to the device to put the bad seeds to rest. Now the Galaxy Nexus has appeased the courts rulings and is back up for sale via the play Store for the usual $349.99. Tagging along for the ride is the (soon with Android 4.1, Jelly Bean) part. Even though we know JB is out for the GSM GNex, it apparently isn’t the default software loaded to the device at the time of shipping. That will change soon enough though.
So hit up the Play Store now and get your order in if you have been waiting, who knows how long before it gets nailed for something else and gets pulled down.