
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 source code released to the Masses

We can always count on Samsung to get their source code up for various devices in a timely fashion. Some times they get it out before a device is even on the shelves, other times it pops up shortly after. The Galaxy Note 2 is already getting picked up by people in the UK, while us here in the states keep waiting for official launch dates. That doesn’t mean that some of you have to wait to start tinkering. For all those modders and devs from around the Android community, Samsung has released the Galaxy Note 2 source code for your downloading pleasure. If you love to see what little hidden lines and addition you can find to tinker with, here is your chance. The source code is for the GT-N7100 version of the device, which is the international device. We also see  GT-N7100_MEA, GT-N7100_SEA and GT-N7100_SWA.

What are you waiting for? Go snag some source and spend your day doing what you all do best. Head over to the Samsung Open Source Center to get your hands on it now.

Source: OSRC via Phandroid