
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo and Neo LTE+ are Official

For whatever it is worth, Samsung has made another set of Galaxy Note 3 devices official today. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo and the Galaxy Note 3 Neo LTE+. Each of them will come in three color variants; black, white and green and are set to go on sale in February.

Both devices are running Android 4.3 on a 5.5-inch screen at a resolution of 1280 x 720. They have 16GB internal storage with 11GB available for users with an expandable micro SD card slot. They both offer 2GB of RAM and all the Google services and Samsung apps that Note users are already accustomed too along with the S-Pen and its features.

Note 3 Neo Front Note 3 Neo
The main differences between the two are the processors and clock speeds. The Note Neo uses a quad-core processor at 1.6GHz and only connects to 3G for its data connectivity. The Note Neo LTE+ has a A15 dual-core at 1.7GHz + 1.3GHz quad-core processor and of course is set up to connect to 4G LTE in various markets.

We aren’t sure exactly what Samsung has been upto lately. Seems like every time we turn around they are launching a new phone or tablet somewhere in the world. Multiple models in one year didn’t pan out so well for HTC when they did it, we can’t image Samsung being able to keep up with updates on all of these especially pushing variants of the same device with different chips in different locales.

Source: via SammyToday