
Samsung Galaxy Note II Looking to be Unleashed to the US October 24th


What is the “next big thing”? Well according to Samsung…anything they release. In all honesty though, they are pretty right when it comes to new devices. Before the Galaxy S III was released, they mentioned the next big thing was coming, and have poked fun at Apple’s iPhone 5 by saying the next big thing is already here. So it would only seem correct to address the Galaxy Note 2 as the next big thing to hit the tech world. Especially after the demonstration at Samsung’s IFA, where after seeing all the features it had, I wrote it at the top of my christmas list to Santa.

Invitations were sent out by Samsung Mobile showing those “the next big thing is here” words, and to save the date of the 24th of October. It also shows New York City and 7 PM. Almost sounds like a nother device is going to be unveiled, but as you can see on the invitation the Note’s S-Pen poses sexy giving us the impression that this is indeed about the Note II.

The Note II was released to the Korean market on Wednesday, and will soon hit the UK later this month. All major US carriers will be getting the Note II this time around, so I ask you; are you planning on getting the Note II? Let us know down below.

Source: Computer World