
Samsung Galaxy Note N7000 gets official CM9 Release

When the Samsung Galaxy Note first started to make its appearance across the web many people freaked over its size. After it finally launched and then hit AT&T, the world bought them up like candy. It is easily one of the most popular and sought after devices on the market. While many people aren’t all that much in love with TouchWiz, or the fact that there still isn’t an Ice Cream Sandwich update out, just yet, hasn’t stopped people from buying them.

With a lot of work and an awesome developer community, one of the biggest ROM names now starting to find its way to the undersized tablet device. That’s right, CM9 has officially opened up the experimental builds for the Galaxy Note N7000. As a reminder, the N7000 is not the AT&T version. The release is based on the latest AOSP software which is Android 4.0.4. Like with any other device that gets added into the CM mix, there are going to be some bugs that will be worked out over time. All the major aspects are reportedly working the way they should, such as Wi-Fi, Data and calling. Other aspects that make CM9 so ‘cool,’ like the FM radio, MHL and DSP Manager aren’t yet functioning.

If you want to dive in and check out the progress or even give it a flash for yourself, then head over to the development thread. Be sure to follow rules and instruction, like heading to the users discussion thread to talk about it and keeping all the negativity out of the mix. Checking in with the bug list before you report a bug that is already known.

Via – XDAÂ