
Samsung Galaxy Note now officially available from T-Mobile

Today is the day that many people have been waiting for. Yes, today is the official launch date of the Samsung Galaxy Note on the Magenta network of T-Mobile. The Note will set you back $249.99 after a $50 mail in rebate and the usual two-year contract. Which makes it only slightly less expensive than the Galaxy S III. Granted you will be getting a Qualcomm S 3 vs the S 4 and only 1GB or RAM compared to 2GB of RAM. Still, for what the note can do and offers it is still a pretty stellar device. We have talked to quite a few people who have the Note from AT&T and around the globe who have also purchased the Galaxy S III. While they love the S III, they find themselves still using their Notes more thanks to the 5.3-inch screen and the S-Pen.

The Note is available online at and should also be available at your local T-Mobile stores. Anyone out there already pick one up or plan too soon?
