
Samsung Galaxy S 4G Drops Today

The wait is over (for some) as Samsung drops their new Galaxy S 4G. This device always seems to get mixed reviews as does Samsung in general, perhaps because this phone looks exactly like the Vibrant. The Galaxy S 4g does have some tricks up its sleeve though, it has a longer lasting battery, HSPA+ support, a front facing camera with WiFi calling support, and comes with Inception instead of Avatar, which most are probably going to throw out because of space anyway.

There’s also some good news for you current Vibrant owners (and most other Samsung owners) looking to upgrade, the Galaxy S 4G comes with Froyo out of the box, no months of waiting required. A Gingerbread update may not be on the horizon for a while, but we all know Samsung owners are very patient…

Purchase the new Samsung Galaxy S 4G directly through the AndroidStory Cellphone Store for $139.99 with a new 2 year contract.

You can also purchase directly form T-Mobile’s website or physical stores for $199.99 with an upgrade or new 2 year contract.

Samsung Galaxy S Quick Specs:

  • Android 2.2 Froyo
  • 4″ Super AMOLED touchscreen
  • 1Ghz A8 Processor
  • Front Facing VGA, Rear Facing 5MP camera with 720P video capture