
Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab not getting Ice Cream Sandwich: touchwiz to Blame?

Samsung Galaxy S and tab 7

Samsung has apparently put Ice Cream Sandwich back in the deep freeze for the Galaxy S and the original Galaxy Tab and wait for it; because of TouchWiz! That’s right folks it seems that the layering TouchWiz over Android 4.0 causes the Galaxy S and Galaxy tab 7 inch to run too poorly to consider an official ICS update from Samsung. Samsung’s claims that those devices lack the sufficient RAM AND Processor power to run Ice Cream Sandwich with TouchWiz and “other experience enhancing software”.

The Nexus S which has similar specs to the Galaxy S has ICS so you may be wondering why not my Galaxy S? Well simply the device could run ICS but not with TouchWiz layered and Samsung does not want to deprive its Galaxy users of the great user experience that is TouchWiz. Yes you read that correctly. Samsung knows we just love us some TouchWiz, more than receiving Android 4.0. Don’t worry though Galaxy S II owners, we are still on track to get our ICS update complete with TouchWiz sometime in the first quarter 2012.

Normally this is where I would start my rant about carriers and their clueless idea that they know what is best, and what us “users” want. I am not going to go any further as Samsung has left me exhausted. My stance is this; Samsung should make TouchWiz a disable-able feature and that goes for all manufactures. Give us free thinking users the choice of what we want running on our devices.

I will be keeping a very close eye on this as it develops and will keep you all up to speed.

I will end with this; next time you flash a custom ROM to your device, go find the Dev and thank them for giving you back your freedom from manufactures layered operating systems. Hell if they have a paypal donation option, buy them a coffee.

Source: The Verge