
Samsung Galaxy S II Visiting Multiple Canadian Carriers – Bell, Virgin Mobile, and SaskTel

While we’ve seen our share of leaks and rumors for the Samsung Galaxy S II no North American carriers have officially laid claim to this power house device. While we assume that at least 3 of the big carriers in the US will be getting this handset, a few Canadian carriers have announced that they will be carrying it.

Bell, Virgin Mobile and SaskTel will be bringing this phone to our Northern neighbors although details are a bit sketchy. Bell and Virgin Mobile have not released many details as to pricing, while SaskTel has said that the Galaxy S II will go for $79.99 pending a new three-contract. Availability for the devices has not been mentioned for any of the carriers, however Bell has published a splash page on their site for future information.

While we’re still waiting for Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint to announce their models or Canadian friends may be envied as it appears that they may be getting a device first for a change. Of course there’s nothing wrong with change, unless you’re like me and have been waiting for this phone to hit shelves.


Source; Android Central via Bell, Virgin Mobile, SaskTel