
Samsung Galaxy S III pricing and pre-order info announced by US Cellular

Finally we have answers as to when you can get your hands on the new flagship Samsung Galaxy S III device for all five US carriers bringing them to market. Earlier in the week we got all the goods from AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile. While T-Mobile is still the only carrier to not offer some sort of pre-order system, they are going to have the device before anyone else, with Verizon bringing up the rear. Today we get the news from US Cellular regarding their official launch of the device.

This is pretty exciting news really, since US Cellular is more of a regional carrier and generally ends up with the newest high-end device 6 to 8 months after all the big guys have it. For them to drop the S III right along side the giants is really exciting for them, their customers and us. It will come as no surprise that the pricing details aren’t any different. Samsung has done a fantastic job of keeping the price inline across all the carriers. That means the S III 16GB model will be $199.99 and the 32GB model will be $249.99. There is one minor catch that none of the other carriers are doing, or have mentioned at all, the final price will be after a $100 mail-in-rebate. That part kinda sucks, but what ever gets the device in your hand is good with us. They are officially opening up the pre-order for the device on June 12th, a mere 4 days from now.

Be sure to head over to US Cellulars official sign up page if you want direct information from the carrier and you might want to bookmark it so you can get your device pre-ordered on the 12th. The only thing we can’t seem to find yet is when pre-orders will ship. We are hoping they are shooting fro a June 21st arrival though.

Source: US Cellular Â