
Samsung Galaxy S4 Bootloader Hacked, Android Community Rejoice!

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Bootloader has been broken already! This is why I love the Android community, you put up a barrier, and we don’t hit it with a pick and a nail, we come in full force, tanks with rocket launchers!

So, dismiss your doubts about the Samsung Galaxy S4, go get one, unlock the bootloader, and enjoy. Look forward to some of your favorite roms to make an appearance soon enough. While there isn’t much to report on this, here is the twitter photo posted by @djrbliss (also the hacker) of the bootloader booting recovery and being hacked.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to @djrbliss for taking the time and the risk to do something as great as this. I am actually considering buying a Samsung Galaxy S4 now because I know that it satisfy my flashaholic needs at this point. It still blows my mind that in spite of the fact that Android is an open platform, OEMs and carriers still even practice this. Are you serious? What’s worse is that they don’t think we will find a way around it. It isn’t like you are going to sell 5 million Samsung Galaxy S4 units and have to replace them all. From what I have read in the past, the vast majority of people using Android barely know what root is, so you are taking precaution against a minute harm.

Take this as a lesson Samsung and AT&T, you cant wont to go to war with an army that has full access to your arsenal. Simply put, don’t try to lock us down when Google gives us the tools to get past it. It’s a fight you just won’t win.

Does this make you want to get the Samsung Galaxy S4 now? comment below. Also, please thank @djrbliss for his amazing work when you get a chance. Here is the photo as well as the twitter link to the original post.

galaxy s4 bootloader unlocked