
Samsung Galaxy S4 sells 10 million in its first month

samsung galaxy s4In news that should surprise no one, 10 million Samsung Galaxy S4‘s have been sold in the first month since its launch. That is insanely fast. And that’s only in 110 of the 155 countries that the Galaxy S4 will be eventually available in. For the record, the Galaxy S3 took 50 days to match the same sales numbers and the Galaxy S2 only reached 10 million phones sold after 5 months.

It’s not as if anybody ever doubted the ability of the Galaxy S4 to sell like hotcakes, but the actual quantifying of its sales is quite staggering. And frankly, when you can have ads with ambiguous meanings like this and still sell 10 million phones in its first month, really you can do no wrong.

And for those of your tired of the Galaxy S4’s current colour palette, Samsung also mentions that they will be introducing new colours, namely Blue Arctic, Red Aurora, Purple Mirage and Brown Autumn. Pictures of Arctic Blue and Red Aurora below.

Samsung Galaxy S4

Anybody surprised by these sales numbers? I’m just a little bit in awe…

Source: Samsung Tomorrow