
Samsung Galaxy S4’s Screen Shall Surpass the Rest


Retina display. It is definitely pretty to look at, and some would say it is the best display out there. Now I do not fully agree with that. Samsung and HTC have (in my opinion) surpassed Apple’s retina display. And looks like Samsung is planning on going even further. Time to pass that 326PPI Apple has been using.

DigiTimes has addressed the public that Samsung is planning on new pixel layouts with increased resolution for AMOLED panels for the Galaxy S4 and other devices that will be coming out. What this means is that the screens will use a hexagon and diamond-shaped pixel layout allowing for resolutions above 440 pixels per inch. This will make a very sharp and crisp display, and everything else is going to look crappy. Sad but true. After I played with an HTC DNA, it was hard to look at my One S screen without a little bit of disgust. The DNA’s display is rocking at 440 pixels as well, so HTC actually had a first hand with this type of display. HTC needs to step up that marketing game. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Talk Android