
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Commercial Making it’s Rounds

A few months ago we started seeing a new side of Samsung emerge. The Galaxy Tab had been out for a while and lots of new comers were on the way like the Motorola XOOM, adveritsements for the first Samsung Galaxy Tab started blowing up the internet. The ads where showing off slender size and superior portability versus the larger more cumbersome tablets slated for release. Those were followed by the Samsung Galaxy S II commercial which showed off its slim design coupled with the brilliance of the Super AMOLED plus display. Now we find ourselves in the era of the new Galaxy Tab 10.1, it’s slim ultra light weight gives it an edge over the current competition, after all, who wants a 10-inch device that’s heavy and hard to manage.

As with their other new devices, commercials promoting the Galaxy Tab 10.1 have started rolling out of the Samsung tent. In the same fashion as the other ones, they seek to show you portability, multi-tasking, and of course that vivid display, while also taking some cheap shots at the iPad 2. Check it out for yourself.


Source: Android Central via YouTube