
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Series Delayed due to Ice Cream Sandwich

Looks like Sammy ran into a little bit of a quandary and are going to have to push back the release of their Galaxy Tab 2 series. The reason…TouchWiz! Okay the “real” reason is that they need more time to work on their TouchWiz flavored ICS. So ICS is really to blame even though there would not be a problem if they would just not use that silly TouchWiz. It is a world I would like to live in one day.

The tablets will be delayed until the end of April when the 7-inch and 10.1 inch were supposed to be released in the UK last month. This comes from a Samsung spokesperson who had a nice little chat with IDG. Throwing the TouchWiz skin over ICS has been a little thorn in Samsung’s side even though they have had the source code longer than any other manufacturer.

So it is not a major delay, and I am sure Samsung will get the tablets out when they say they do. Just wish they would do away with TouchWiz but that is not going to happen anytime soon. Let us know what you guys think of this.

Source: The Verge