
Samsung Galaxy Tab (T-Mobile) on Pre-Order at Amazon

It would seem Amazon is the first one on the band wagon (that I have read about), bringing the Tab out for Pre-Order. As with all gadgets and phones, this offer is an unsubsidized price of $699.99 and ships on the 9th from Amazon.

The Galaxy Tab is scheduled for launch on November 10th for T-Mobile at a contracted price of $399.99.  Even though this price may seem high also, look at the iPad which comes in at $499.99.

I know I am extremely excited to get my hands on one of these devices. I know it will make an amazing travel companion for me and my family. No more kids killing my Vibrant’s battery. Anyone else out there looking to pick up one of these? Or are you waiting to see what that Wifi-only Tab is going to cost?

Source: Intomobile and Amazon