
Samsung Gem Hits Regional Kentucky Carrier, Bluegrass Cellular, for $59

Android based devices have been creeping up in the cell market all over the country. I can’t think of a single carrier in the U.S. that doesn’t have at least one Android powered device. Not all of them are crazy super phones, but then again not all the carriers cover more than just a state or two.

Regional cell carrier, Bluegrass Cellular, in Kentucky, is now carrying one of Samsung’s low- to mid- ranged devices, the Gem. It is nothing spectacular but serves its purpose. Sporting Android 2.1, a 800MHz processor, 3.2 MP camera all on a 3.2 inch screen, it is a good start for a first time Android user.

Bluegrass has even made the price sound really good too. You can pick up one of these devices on a new 2 year contract for $59. If you aren’t the contract type, the off contract price is only $205- not all that expensive compared to some of the other devices out there with similar specs.

Source: Androidcentral