
Samsung Has Track Record of Providing Regular Updates to Their Phones…..

OK. OK. Stop and read before unleashing your fury.

During a review of the “new” Galaxy S 4G, Kirk Yuhnke, a writer for ABC-15 out of Arizona, had this to say in regards to the software being offered on the new Samsung device.

Android Software

The Samsung Galaxy S 4G ships with Google Android 2.2 (FroYo). This is NOT the latest version of Android (2.3 is out) but Samsung does have a track record of providing regular updates to their phones.

If you’ve read my article, or the many other articles regarding Samsung’s sofware updates, or lack of them rather, you know we do not agree with this statement. So before the blood bath takes place, kindly remove the cross-hairs from our heads (haha). Have fun with this one…. I certainly had more than a few giggles.

For the full review check out the source link.

Source: ABC-15