• News
  • 4 January, 2011

Samsung i520 found on the internet?

The above image popped up tonight over on Droid-Life tonight courtesy of Offwire, the same site responsible for showing off some HTC Thunderbolt accessories earlier today. Images of the top section of the device showed up not too long ago which showed the Verizon 4G symbol, the funky triangular earpiece, and the front facing camera. The phone is covered by a case sold by Offwire, but it does give us a few a nice idea of how the unannounced phone will look. Physical buttons as opposed to capacitive ones that we’ve grown to tollerate, and a fancy looking camera on the rear. It appears it will also feature the curve on the back of the phone similar to the Nexus S. Not much else is known about this phone, but you can be sure if it gets announced on thursday you will be able to read about it here. Does this make anyone else more excited about this future LTE device? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Droid-Life via OffWire