
Samsung launches a new trailer to show off the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro [UPDATE]

samsung galaxy note proThere are a lot of mixed opinions on the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 tablet since it debuted at CES 2014, most of them centred around it’s new Magazine UI and also it’s price. The price in particular has garnered quite a lot of attention as preorders for the device have been priced at $849.99 USD for the 32GB version, which is a gargantuan amount of money. It’s probably this outpouring of slightly negative response that has caused Samsung to release a trailer today that actually does a pretty good job of showing off all the great new features. Check it out: UPDATE: The video has now been made private; I guess Samsung didn’t mean for the video to be public yet. UPDATE #2: The video that was previously removed looks like it’s been made official again! Check it out:

 Interestingly, the trailer doesn’t even show a peep of the new Magazine UI, which might be Samsung’s way of saying “we’re listening”, though I wouldn’t get your hopes up of them removing it from the final product. I really liked this trailer as it shows quite a few new and some further developed features of the Note Pro that show exactly how far Android has come over the last few years and I think it definitely shows how much closer tablets are to actually being a viable alternative to laptops in the near future. The one feature that had me impressed was the multitasking cascade view with all the open windows being stacked up; oddly reminiscent of another OS don’t you think?

It looks like Samsung is going to be promoting the Note Pro pretty hard considering the device is expected to become available on February 13th. Will you be getting the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro? What from the trailer did you like the best? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube