
Samsung Makes The Sprint Epic 4G User Manual Available

The launch of the Sprint Epic 4G is inching closer bringing us the 2nd 4G device and Sprint’s variant of the Samsung Galaxy S. This device separates itself from the other U.S. variants by offering a front-facing camera and full-QWERTY keyboard. Most of the time, we purchase a device and then throw the battery in, charge it up and start exploring, but with these high-end devices coming out, we find ourselves actually reading the user manual to learn every aspect of our new toy.

Samsung has made available the Epic 4G user manual that will give us less time reading and more time bragging about our new phone when it launches. You can read up all about your device and if this is your first physical keyboard, you can learn all of those shortcut functions making your experience a little bit easier. You can check out the user manual in .pdf format–> HERE.

Via: Samsung

Anyone pre-order their Epic 4G yet?