
Samsung posts infographic of the Samsung Gear family

infographic of the Samsung Gear familySamsung looks like they are in a very ‘infographic’ mood. After posting an infographic of the Galaxy Note series over the years, Samsung has come out with another infographic of the Samsung Gear family, showing its full range of wearable devices, from the aging – but still supported – Galaxy Gear, the Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo, Gear Fit, Gear Live, right through to the brand-new Gear S announced just before IFA 2014. Check out the infographic below; be sure to click the thumbnail to view the full sized image:

It’s clear that Samsung is fully committed to the wearable craze, particularly with their efforts to update their seemingly abandoned Galaxy Gear with Tizen, their operating system baby. In fact, apart from the Gear Live smartwatch which runs Android Wear, all of Samsung’s Gear devices run on Tizen; it’s no wonder that Google has been annoyed at Samsung for investing far more effort into creating Tizen wearables rather than Android Wear wearables. Only time will tell whether Samsung has the better strategy or not, but with the influx of Android Wear smartwatches released at IFA 2014, it’s hard to imagine even Samsung triumphing in this space.

What do you think about this infographic of the Samsung Gear family? What are your thoughts on Samsung’s wearables? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow