
Samsung Releasing the “Galaxy Nexus Plus”?

Looks like Samsung might be releasing a slightly better (slightly more kick-ass) version of the Galaxy Nexus. The boys over at Androidandme found a Galaxy Nexus rocking a PowerVR SGX 544 processor. The original Galaxy Nexus is running and SGX540 processor. Guess GNex has been pumping some iron.

The original GNex’s processor was part of Texas Instruments OMAP 4460 processor. This new processor is the next generation OMAP 4470. Now Sprint’s GNex is supposedly rocking this new processor bringing it to 1.5 GHZ as apposed to Verizon’s GNex that has only 1.2 GHZ. They could not just give us those 300 MHZ in the first place?

Thing is, Verizon’s GNex running the 4460 was underclocked, and there has been some speculation that Sprint’s GNex is either the same processor overclocked, or it is this new processor underclocked. I guess we will have to do that whole “waiting” thing that these carriers love to do to us, and see what is to come. Some other sites have already given a new name to this amped up GNex, by calling it the “Galaxy Nexus Plus”. I just hope that all the carriers end up with it, especially T-Mobile since I do not plan on leaving the carrier I have had since I got off my mom’s plan. Let me know what you guys think.

Source: Androidandme
Via: The Droid Guy