
Samsung reported working on Nexus 10 Tablet

Android and rumor go together like PB&J, ham and burger, mac and well you get my drift. Now we are getting reports of Samsung and Google working on a 10 inch Nexus tablet. While the 7 inch form factor has proven its popularity, things like viewing media would be better served with a larger screen. One of the more interesting things is what rumors of the screen, it’s said to have 2560×1600 resolution. If those specs come true it would best the Kindle Fire HD , 3rd Gen iPad, and even what the Retina 13 inch Macbook Pro is rumored to have. This would also give the reported tablet the highest PPI we have seen on a tablet at  299. Not much more is known on the internal specs or the price side. As soon as there more information we will definitely pass it on.


Source: CNET via Android and Me