
Samsung shoots down rumours of a Samsung Galaxy S7 coming this year

Yesterday we detailed a rumour that said that the Samsung Galaxy S7 would be released sometime this year. While we didn’t dismiss it completely, we did think it was very, very unlikely – nevertheless, Samsung has decided that it’s enough of an annoyance to come out and make a statement regarding this rumour. In a statement to MobileBurn, a Samsung rep said:

“The company remains committed to launching products in pre-determined launch windows, which includes the S series.”

We’re assuming this means that you can expect Galaxy S and Galaxy Note devices to be released in their respective spots in the year for the foreseeable future, i.e. no Galaxy S7 this year. Despite this statement, we do wonder where the rumoured Galaxy S6 Edge Plus fits into Samsung’s schedule as we’re hearing that it’s just weeks away from release and would be a completely new line of devices for the manufacturer. We’ll keep an eye on this one and let you know if we hear anything.

What do you think about this rumour about the Samsung Galaxy S7? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: MobileBurn via Phone Arena