
Samsung Skyrocket HD cancelled, Galaxy S III to replace it before it Launched

We are firm believers that carriers often launch to many devices that are only slightly better than the last too quickly. Always trying to get the next leg up on a device even if it is only minor hardware changes. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket HD. This should have been what the Skyrocket to begin with, but that is for a completely other post. In this article we reveal that AT&T has since canceled their plans to bring the skyrocket HD to the carrier. AT&T didn’t come out and say specifically that they canceled the device launch in favor of the Galaxy S III, but Ryan Bidan did say it didn’t make sense with the recent Galaxy S III announcement.

It makes no sense for AT&T to release yet another incremental device to market right after the HTC One X landed and just before the Galaxy S III. Sales would be good regardless, but more people are interested in the other two devices. You and I both know that AT&T would have had the Skyrocket HD priced the same as the Galaxy S III and HTC One X, which would make no sense to a smart consumer of any kind.

What do you guys think? Was your heart set on the Skyrocket HD? Have you already forget about it entirely and set your sights on another device? Let us know what you think about the cancellation and if it was the right thing to do under the current circumstances.

Source:  The Verge