
Samsung Smart Watch, the Samsung Gear, rumored for September Announcement

Samsung Smartwatch potenial user interface
The world isn’t all that short on smart watches. We have seen the Pebble Watch a number of times. Some of you have seen the i’M Watch, Meta Watch, Martian Watch, Sony Watch and probably a handful of others. Besides Sony and Motorola, there haven’t been to many big mobile players entering into the smartwatch game. Google is rumored to be putting something together, which wouldn’t surprise us with their large amount of resources and development teams. Apple is said to be working on an iWatch or something or other and Samsung is in the mix with something too. We have heard rumors for a while about it actually.

A new rumored report coming from BGR is stating that we should hear and see the new Samsung Gear sometime in early September. Oddly enough, this is when they are also said to announce the Samsung Galaxy Note III. All of this would be ahead of another rumored announcement of the Note III at IFA. Not that an early, single stage, announcement isn’t typical of the mobile giants. None of them want to get lost in the media of a major event like IFA any more. We do expect IFA attendees to get some good hands on time with both though, assuming the Samsung Gear does make it into a September announcement.

Having owned a Martian Watch, I can easily attest to the relevance of such a device. A lot of its success will be how it constructed, its operation and its look. I personally don’t think a full touch screen device is needed for general use. The Martian and Meta Watches do more than enough and have stellar battery life. Packing a touch screen in with sub par battery life that can’t survive a days use won’t be very exciting or helpful. Take the i’M Watch for instance. Cool, but hardly useful or practical for the general population. It will be interesting to see what Samsung has up their sleeves on this accessory tech device.

Source: BGR