
Samsung squashes SGS III April release rumors, confirms plans for mystery LTE Device

Remember that rumor we told you about yesterday that saw the Samsung Galaxy S III being released next month? Of course you do. It was all over the Internet yesterday. Well, you can go ahead and put those plans on the back burner for now because today is a new day, chock-full of offerings from the rumor mill.

In an interesting new development to the story, Unwired View posted an article stating that Korean website MT had contact with a Samsung official who immediately shot the rumor down. According to the source, Sammy has confirmed that they are working on the SGS III, but haven’t decided on a launch date yet, but that the phone “definitely  not happen in the fourth month of the year (April)”.

If you really had your heart set on hearing something from Samsung next month, there’s still a bit of good news for you in all of this. Apparently, the source also revealed that an unnamed LTE-compatible device should be introduced then. As always with rumors, we’re going to treat them as such. We’ll be here waiting for something solid like the rest of the world. As soon as we hear something, so will you.

Via: PhoneArena