
Samsung to give Google TV a try in 2011

We’ve all seen the Samsung commercials showing off its own TV with integrated applications, but according to BusinessWeek Samsung is open to giving Google TV a try in 2011. With the report, Samsung is expected to unveil their Google TV product in January after they have stated that they’re “open” to using the Intel chips in their products.

With big events coming up in January (BCS National Championship), February (Super Bowl) and March (March Madness), we’ll see a heavy push for TVs and with this new technology around Google TV, we’re sure we’ll see a good look at the competition as it becomes survival of the fittest. We’re all looking forward to CES in early January to give us a little sneak peek into what manufacturers have in store for the consumer as well as their embrace of this new technology.

Should more top manufacturers be on board with Google TV at this point or is Google TV still too young to push the quantity of devices so quickly?

Via: BusinessWeek