
Samsung will Introduce the Galaxy ‘Mega’ Device Line


Looks like Samsung is going to take over the tiny bit of retail space on your hand, by fitting a 5.8-inch or 6.3-inch device onto it. Samsung plans to unveil a new line of phones that mimics the Galaxy Note series.

The Galaxy “Mega” phones are two phones that will be rocking a 5.8-inch display, and a 6.3-inch display. This means the rumors back and forth about the Galaxy Note 3’s display size were actually…kind of true. We still do not know what the screen size for the Note 3 will be, but it will be joined by two brothers in this new “fonblet” family. Apparently it went from phablet to fonblet, and no one told us about it. Do not know who made that decision, but that is fine.

According to SamMobile, Galaxy Mega phone 5.8 will be available towards the end of May, while Galaxy Mega 6.3 will be available towards the end of June. These devices will not be as high-end as the Galaxy Note, but I could imagine they will still hold their own. Let us know what you guys think about this.

Source: SamMobile