
Samsung working on a Galaxy Tab 11.8 tablet with 2560 x 1600 Resolution?

The epic Apple vs. Samsung court battle is well underway already in California today. While we know that both sides are playing all their cards for a victory, we are a bit more interested in what a few new public court documents have revealed. Like any business Samsung has long-term plans to increase staying power in the industry. A small document that shows projected devices has been made public, thanks to the court. It shows a device code-named the “P10” for 2012. Which, based on the documents, shows a tablet sporting an 11.8 inch, LTE enabled, 16:10 ratio with a 2560 X 1600 resolution display.

Now don’t get to excited just yet. One potential downside is the mention of “Google’s recommended Honeycomb OS supported display resolution.” That doesn’t make us think that the documents really prove much of anything as far as a new super resolution device. That doesn’t mean that Samsung isn’t working on something spectacular though. It seems more likely that these were projections of where they could be by 2012, rather than where they are currently. Now some of you might start to think that the P10 could be Samsung’s ACE in the whole come August 15th at their big “Next Galaxy” unveiling. As much as we would like to believe that, we are pretty certain it will be the Note 10.1 that gets a close up. It is also possible that the projected P10 with its ridiculous resolution has developed into the Note 10.1. Samsung could be holding back the 11.8-inch display due to current market standards and not seeing a huge potential in a larger screen just yet beyond potential business applications.

One could easily create a whole new set of rumors and speculations around these documents, but we let you talk among yourselves and see what you guys think. Personally, I think an 11.8-inch device would be great, but that it is a little to early and much to large to really push as a consumer device. 10.1 is plenty big enough for the time being and with the exception of a few specific purpose devices, it seems like a pretty sweet spot for users currently. We would like the resolution increase though, but we think Samsung could make that happen on a device with a smaller screen. Not to mention the the wrench that it would through into the developers tool box.

Source: The Verge