
Samsung’s 14nm Exynos 7 will be powering its new smartphones. Galaxy S6, anyone?

When rumours emerged that Samsung might not use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor in the Galaxy S6 due to overheating issues, it was suggested that Samsung would have to lean heavily on its own processor manufacturing. It was alleged that such a chip would be built from a new 14nm process, trumping the 20nm process of the Snapdragon 810, but those rumours have held no water, until today. Samsung announced its brand-new 14nm Exynos 7, which thanks to its new manufacturing process, will have 20% better performance, 35% better power consumption and 30% productivity gain over chips manufacturered with the 20nm process.

Samsung however was very careful to be vague with its press release, announcing that the new octa-core chips would be used in smartphones but not specifying anything which might give away its future plans. Having said that though, and given that MWC 2015 starts in a few weeks, it would be surprising if the Exynos 7 did not debut in a device at the event in Barcelona, with the hot favourites the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy Edge devices that are expected to be announced.

What do you think about this new 14nm Exynos 7? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Samsung via Droid-life