
Scrabble hits the Market Thanks to EA, and Guess What? It’s FREE

On Friday I made mention that Scrabble would be coming to the Android market this week. Little did I know that it would be coming out on Monday. We knew very little about what the EA Official Scrabble edition would be offering last week, but now we have oodles of information.

You have the ability to play cross platform with your poor iPhone friends and even those still sucked into the never ending land of Facebook. As if that wasn’t enough to make you want to pick this up, then imagine being able to play 50 games at once. I don’t think my brain could handle that, but if yours can, go for it. They have also integrated a social system for talking smack during games and even offer the much loved ‘Teacher Feature’. That allows you to view the best possible play from your last turn to help keep you on your toes and on the look out for those mega scores we all strive for.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the SCRABBLE FREE . You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: SCRABBLE FREE
Developer: Electronic Arts Inc.
Cost: FREE