• Games
  • 18 December, 2011

Sega’s Sonic CD makes its way to the Android Market

Sonic CD for Android

Console gamers will be excited to hear that Sonic CD has arrived in the Android Market. The game was released December 14th (so, we’re a few days late on this), and comes to us from SEGA of America. This is an advanced recreation of the smash-hit game with the same title, which was released for Sega CD in 1993.

Apparently, it’s a good thing we were late to the party on this one. During the first day or two after the game’s launch, users were experiencing a bothersome issue. After buying Sonic CD, the download would never progress past 0%, leaving customers with an understandably sour taste in their mouth; however, SEGA was quick to put out a fix and everything is a go now.

Sonic has been a longtime hero in the video gaming industry, so I’m sure many of you will be happy to give this game a spin. The developers did a wonderful job in porting this for our phone, and it’s well worth the download if you have the extra coin to spare.

Sonic CD will run you $1.99, and can be found by clicking or scanning the link below.

Application: Sonic CD
Developer: SEGA of America
Cost: $1.99