
Sense 3.0 Not Coming to Other HTC Devices, Or is it?

Aside from the beefy hardware packed in the HTC Sensation, Sense 3.0 is a major driving factor behind this phone. As always with the introduction of new software it’s almost guaranteed that HTC users are going to expect an update to the latest and greatest software available. There’s nothing wrong with this, and as seen often, said updates do roll out. However, when asked about a Sense 3.0 update for the Desire HD, HTC responded unfavorably.

Of course news like this is always disappointing, especially when the reasoning for is outdated hardware. Although the Desire HD is is considered a high-end device it, along with others, do not have hardware compatible to run Sense 3.0 correctly. No specifics on what about said hardware is not present in these devices, however it’s all present in the new upcoming HTC devices, the Flyer, Sensation, and EVO 3D. It would seem that current HTC device owners would be have to buy new handsets or just simply do without. This is discouraging indeed, that is until HTC responded again.

Of course the was no words on what these “other aspects” would be, regardless this all means that HTC is planning on compensating the masses. Although only the new devices will come with Sense 3.0, other will get a variant designed to work with their current hardware. It situations like this that show you what manufacturers really shine.


Source: Slash Gear