
Shadowgun: Deadzone public beta out for all Tegra 3 sporting devices, for Now

It is getting closer my friends. We told you that Madfinger Games was doing a closed beta test of the new Shadowgun Deadzone multiplayer game. Now they are slowly working to open it up to a public beta. Recently added to the Play Store this morning was the first public beta release. Meaning that you can in on the action and the testing of the game before it is made officially official. The purpose behind the open public beta will be to help Madfinger polish network code and the basic gameplay experience, as well as to resolve bugs.

The game is available for free in the Play Store but is limited to Tegra 3 only devices. Madfinger’s CEO Marek Rabas explains why;

With the Beta Test we wanted to achieve results that could best help us.  By working closely with the NVIDIA team and the Tegra 3 technology itself, we are able to Beta test SHADOWGUN: DEADZONE very efficiently which will help us provide an amazing gaming experience at launch.“

There is a chance that you will run into some server issues during the testing as they only have a limited number of them up and running. Also, it is a beta, so expect some glitches, issues and not having all the features that will be added by launch time. They have included four playable characters, two game modes, two maps, seven weapons and nine gadgets. So you should have plenty to play with and get a good feel for what is to come.

So if you are the proud owner of a Tegra 3 powered device, then please go download the beta and give it a go. The Madfinger team is eager to hear what you think and what needs to be fixed. Click or scan the QR code below to get started.

Application: Shadowgun: DeadZone
Developer: MADFINGER Games
Cost: FREE