
Shadowgun: The Leftover hits the market, barely makes it before the week Ends

Three days ago we let you all know that Shadowgun would being getting an expansion. Adding in the very popular The Leftover addition. Picking up where the story line left off and adding in 4 new levels. What would an expansion be though with out something more than just a few new levels to pass the time? From past experience with expansion packs, not a darn thing. Madfinger Games didn’t stop at just levels though, so be happy. The full update includes –

– The story directly follows the events of original Shadowgun
– 4 new levels
– New enemy creature
– New gun
– New type of gaming interaction
– New collectibles
– New soundtrack
– Lot of new graphics, animations and cutscenes


Sounds like hours upon hours of good times wait ahead. On to the important aspect though. How you can snag the expansion. Madfinger promised the expansion would be free to all of those that already own the game. Like I suspected, it is a simple update process via the market of the original Shadowgun. So no worries on tracking down a random app, worrying if it the files will check and clear you to have it or any other sort of random oddity. Simply hit ‘my apps’ section and update the game. If you are not on the band wagon yet, or simple don’t want to load the market, you can click or scan the QR code below.

Before you do so though, we have a suggestion to make. Seems as though the update is causing a number of users some grief in the main game. I have yet to update mine yet, I will do so as soon as I make a Titanium Backup. That way if I have any issues I can uninstall and revert back to the un-updated version. Just a suggestion.

Application: Shadowgun
Developer: MADFINGER Games, a.s.
Cost: $4.99