
Sign up page goes live for Galaxy Nexus for Sprint

The world waited for ever to finally see and get their hands on the next Google Experience device. It first dropped internationally and then finally made its way to Verizon. Unlike any other device that Verizon gets their hands on, the Galaxy Nexus has yet to receive any advertising from them. I would attribute this to the lack of bloatware associated to the device. Even so, we all want one and we don’t need fancy ad campaigns for us to know how awesome the device is.

The latest news on the Nexus front is its imminent launch on a second U.S. based carrier. We have seen rumors floating around for a whole and a few internal documents that confirmed that it would be coming. Now that all important Nexus page by Google has a new slide added to it. It is nothing spectacular, but there is now officially a registration page for all you dreamers on wanting one on Sprint.

Something that makes it a bit interesting though is that it is being labeled as their first 4G LTE device. We know that Sprint is scheduled to start rolling out their 4G LTE service to the masses in the middle of the year. If Sprint plans to wait for the official launch of their LTE service, then this sign up page is going to annoy people more than excite them. Personally I won’t mind having a 4G device with no 4G service until a later date. We all know that most likely won’t happen though.

Even though we don’t know an official date or price for the Gnex on Sprint, how many of you will be patiently waiting for it to finally launch?