
Skype Coming To The Android Market

Looks like Verizon’s exclusive rights with Skype will be no more, allowing Skype to release their app to the Android Market. A Skype PR rep confirmed to SkatterTech today that an Android app is coming to the Android Market, never mind that it’s currently exclusive to Verizon. In an e-mail, the rep wrote:

We will be bringing a direct to consumer app to the Android marketplace later this year. This application will be available for all consumers globally to download regardless of carriers. (i.e. similar to how we offer the iPhone app today)”

According to Skype PR rep, Skype will definitely be releasing a “direct-to-consumer” Android App this year, however the aren’t completely disclosing whether mobile video calling is an included feature. Unfortunately, the current set of Skype Mobile apps all have tragic restrictions. Even Verizon’s Skype Mobile app doesn’t let customers place domestic VoIP calls using Skype’s $3 per month unlimited calling plan (North America). It only offers free Skype-to-Skype voice calls, instant messaging, and discounted international calling rates. I’m definitely excited to see what Skype’s team has in store for this year given a little more freedom, but I truly hope they take full advantage of the potential provided in the latest generation of smartphone hardware and software.
