If you are unfamiliar with Slacker Radio, it is a custom streaming music application, much like Pandora Radio is. I’ll probably be shot for that statement, but they are similar. The basic principal is to search an artist or song you want to listen to and the application will stream music to your phone of that artist, then play songs of the same genre. It really helps to broaden your musical prowess.
Slacker Radio announced yesterday, that they are now offering ABC news in their catalog of streaming content. If you are a news buff, then this is a pretty nice addition. I loaded up my Slacker Radio application to check it out. They are offering U.S. News, World News, Business News, Tech News and more. In the intro to the news channel they also stated that they will be updating the feeds through out each day. So you should easily be able to keep up on your news with out always having to pick up a paper or search the web.
Source: Androidguys
Slacker Radio Download below.